Tuesday, May 14, 2019

OK it isn't a sexy picture, but I found this in an ad for islands for sale. And it just happens to look like I would expect Chastity Island to look. There's a long sandy beach, but also rocky areas for variety. There's enough mountainous and hilly areas with trees to allow hiking and nature walks, and a hotel complex would sit nicely on the low ridge just behind the beach area. Cabins could be put on the hills to the left and right of the beach for those requesting more privacy. I would put an airstrip in the central low lands, a dock for cruise ships on the far side of the island and I think that would do it. As near as I recall the island was for sale for about $10,000,000. I would guess that several tens of millions more would be needed to finish out all of what I outlined above. So anyway, now you have the same mental picture of Chastity Island that I work with. Oh I did use this picture in an "ad" for Chastity Island, so perhaps that will get posted later as I get to it in the files.

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