Monday, February 11, 2019

What follows is the second volume of my fictional magazine, Chaste Living. Here's what I wrote as a "writer's guide" for the publication. If it were a real magazine and you a real writer seeking to submit articles for consideration this is what you would have been told about the magazine.

Chaste Living appeals to a more religious demographic who marry a chaste lifestyle with their religious or traditional conservative beliefs, but where the woman is the spiritual leader of the household. However, don’t assume that these church ladies don’t enjoy sex. They aren’t puritanical, they just want to be sure that it stays within the sanctity of the marriage bed, and that they are the sole arbiters of the type and frequency of the activities. Expect some Bible quotes here and there. Although considered a companion topic to chastity in some publications; note well that cuckolding is strictly off limits in this publication.

Articles especially suited for this publication include: intimate connections made between the couple with the help of chastity; testimonials about how chastity saved the marriage; helped him overcome temptations; and even protected him from situations he didn’t anticipate.

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